por Jorge Alvarez
Run DC Motors Forward & Reverse with our ASCXX-XXR Open Chassis & NEMA1 for 90 or 180VDC with Single Phase Power and 240VDC Motors with 230...
por Jorge Alvarez
Rotary Phase Converters are a great solution when we need 3-PHASE FULL POWER. For the small business, for the shop, or where ever you need 3-Phase,...
por Jorge Alvarez
We found 3-Phase Motors in: Drill Press, Lathe, Milling Machines, Air Compressors, etc. BUT at home/shop we can't make it run because we don't have...
por Jorge Alvarez
YES you can!
You can make a Rotary Phase Converters with our DIY Rotary Phase Converter KIT from 5 HP up to 30 HP or bigger.
All you need is a 3-Ph...
por Jorge Alvarez
YES! You can Run a 3-Phase 230VAC Motor in your shop or your garage with a Static or Rotary Phase Converter. Most houses have 110 and 240 VAC Singl...
por Jorge Alvarez
DC Motors & DC Drives are equipment that have being around for many years, actualy that was the only way to control the speed of a motor for ma...
por Jorge Alvarez
Most Conveyors start in slow speed (or Idle) when the machine starts like: Printing machines, Plastic, Extrussion, Fabrics, etc. and most of the ti...
por Jorge Alvarez
DC Motors have a higher Starting Torque.
DC Motors & Drives are considered the best suited for electrical traction applications. That means th...
por Jorge Alvarez
DC Motor Speed Controllers are designed for multiple applications like:
Pumps, Fans, Gearboxes, Conveyors, Elevators, Extrusion Machines, Stacke...
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